domingo, 9 de novembro de 2008

Diary - 15th October, 2008

15th October, 2008

Since the year begins, we have been very excited, all of us.
Our questions were: what are we doing here? Oh my God! We have really lot of work to do! We agreed a day and an hour and let’s go!
Well here we are, on 15th October, ready for really hard work. Today, teacher said, to each one of us, to choose a bridge to work on. We are in pairs, like: The little Inês with Margarida, the big Inês with Débora, Susy is with Daniela and finally Diogo is with Manuel. We all like to be together, we’re became good friends, so is very nice work like that. We have to search a lot of information about our bridges, they are very nice, believe!
Moreover, we have to make bank, I mean, make money! Yes, we need money to buy all the things we will use in the future, so, we’ll try to do some money on our “autumn faire”, with cakes, chestnuts, jam and so many things. It will be really funny! But the girls and boys that are on the 9th grade don’t like that idea very much, because they have to same money too! For the finalist travel! Well, live is like this…! Just kidding!
And teacher is always calling us sweets and cookies too!
We are really anxious to talk to our friends! Is the funniest part, isn’t it?
Of course it is! We will meet again on next Thursday, with more work to do.
See you!